On this page You may choose a bouquet or an arrangement and order flowers delivery to Volgodonsk. Look through a great number of represented flower compositions and select the one You prefer. Our professional florists will make it for You using flowers only of the first-rate quality. Delivery fee was included in prices of all products.
Blue Hydrangea

Decorative plant.
Price: 49 USD

Pottery Dracaena
Price: 45 USD

Pot-flower, a kind of fern.
Price: 49 USD

Decorative leaf-bearing plant.
Price: 49 USD

Pot-flower with dark-green leaves and yellow flowers.
Price: 49 USD

Pot-flower from Cactąceae plants.
Price: 49 USD

Pot-flower for floristic interior decoration.
Price: 49 USD

The plant which reduces the number of microbes in the air.
Price: 49 USD

The tree of family happiness.
Price: 52 USD

Pot-flower Spathiphyllum.
Price: 49 USD
Orchid Phalaenopsis

An unpretentious ever-green, constantly growing and blooming pot-flower..
Price: 66 USD
A Rose with two hearts.

A potted rose with two decorative hearts.
Price: 55 USD
A Rose with a heart.

A potted rose with a decorative heart.
Price: 55 USD
A basket with pot-flowers.

A gift basket with 6 pot-flowers.
Price: 104 USD
Areca Palm Tree

Spray palm tree 1.5 m height
Price: 153 USD